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Home :: News :: July 24, 2006 - The Campaign for Spreading Seven Bnei Noah Laws among Arabic Nations Started

July 24, 2006 - The Campaign for Spreading Seven Bnei Noah Laws among Arabic Nations Started

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These days The Center for the Seven Noahide Commandments under the direction of rabbi Boaz Kali starts the world-wide company for spreading Seven Laws among Arabic nations. In the address published in Arabic Mass Media and among Sheikhs and Imams there's a call for Arabs to use their influence to improve the world instead of destructing it. There are also Lubavitcher rebbe's words warning against causing damage to Jewish people.

On July 24, 2006 INN Israeli TV program showed the interview with rabbi Boaz Kali who spoke about the campaign.

Open letter to the Arab world and its leadership

Use the power of influence at your disposal to repair that world as is G-d’s will.

Do not lead the Arab world into destruction - contrary to His will.

I. In Tora it is written that the Lord, Blessed be His name, created the world and it was His will to bequeath the Land Of Israel to His People, the Jewish People, until the ends of time.

II. The Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish People, and any attempt to deprive the People of the Land is against His will.

III. Lubavitcher rebbe states that those who seek to usurp the Land of Israel loses the right to exist and it is in his own interest to relinquish the land for only thus can he preserve his own life.

IV. A true leader must sway his people to walk in G-d’s ways, and in the Rebbe’s teachings this means observing the Seven Noahide Laws. Only then will the world become a repaired unit where justice and honesty will prevail with peace and quiet for all the peoples of the world.

V. The Seven Noahide Laws are:

1. Courts

2. No Blasphemy

3. No Idolatry

4. No Lechery

5. No Bloodshed

6. No Robbery

7. No Limb from Living Creature

Anyone who observes these principles is counted as one of the Righteous among the Nations and will be rewarded in the World to Come!

VI. When the King Mashiach (Messiah - Biblical language translation) comes and reveals himself, the holy Temple will descend from above and will become a place of prayer for all the nations, as it is written "and My House will be called a house of prayer for all the Nations".

Below you can find Seven Laws List and their Short Description in Arabic.

Seven Laws and their Short Description in ArabicSeven Laws and their Short Description in Arabic

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