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Name:Thierry Jean-Marc Regaud-Szafir
Date of Birth:December 25, 1964
Residence:Outremont, Canada
Languages Spoken:French Spanish Yoruba
Personality:How do you do !!! I'm : Pretty open minded ! Love cantillations !!! Origin : Khazar of the family of Dan as Lapis lazuli is our family stone, See movie 5th Element : Meat popsicle type of humour. Languages also Wolof (One of many languages in Senegal), For 3 weeks: Noongar (one of many languages in SW Australia). I learn and forget a language in 3 weeks plus 3 weeks. Only the essence of the cultures matter. I have (understood emagasiné in French) the Lashon hakodesh of many ancient cultures well before the Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian. Aramaïc, Celtic ... Ones. It permits me to spiritually travel in time and space and contract notions of time. It sounds far fetched but, as it is written << i am what i am>>. I had the pleasure of meeting at the Parc av Chabbad a very understanding Rabbi who suggested i communicate here. May God, blessed be he, bless you (bit i doubt it ;) (Taken from the Thief of Bagdad, 1940 Oscar winning movie))
Favorite Quote:Baden-Powell: A circle with a dot in the center: I'm Home leaving the world in a better state than the one i found it in.

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