Bnei Noah Site - Welcome!
We're proud to meet you at official Bnei Noah site and we're thankful to you for visiting us. Some pages are being developed yet. A lot of is to be done. But the main thing - the beginning of our web resource work, thanks G-d - has already started.
Our Bnei Noah site is first of all meant for people who are non-Jewish by origin, but who are interested in Judaism and want to lead their way of live according to this religion. Its purpose - to let them know how to observe Seven Biblical Laws, which were given by G-d through prophet Moses on the mount of Sinai for all mankind. And though their observance is not obligatory for the peoples of the world today, still it serves as the guarantee of existence, prosperity and peace for all of our planet population. Besides, it endows life of each single person with success and blessing.
Our Bnei Noah site means no spreading of some new religion or theological teaching which are a lot recently. No way. Our purpose is to give people a general idea about how and what the world was created for, what is going on in it and where it goes to, how to behave correct in it and what one can do to make the world a better place for each of us. The site answers the questions, which we so often ask ourselves about and which are hard to answer. Bnei Noah (Noah descendants - Biblical language translation) is not a religion, it's rather simple set of common rules the world would not be able to exist without. If you want - this is something so necessary that none of us should transgress, and this is what is above simple religious affiliation. For Tora tells us it's precisely because of the neglect of the Seven Laws that wars, cataclysms, epidemics and floods can occur in different parts of the world. Conversely, the observance of the Seven Laws by as much of the population of a particular country as possible leads to the blessing, wealth and prosperity of an entire nation.
We wish you pleasant navigation through the pages of our Bnei Noah site, and we hope that very soon you will be able to fully enjoy the huge spiritual heritage that the Sages of the ancient times left us and which can fill the life of each of us with a special and very special light...
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