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Home :: News :: February 24, 2008 - First Shulhan Aruh for the Noahide Commandments appeared in print

February 24, 2008 - First Shulhan Aruh for the Noahide Commandments appeared in print

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First Shulhan Aruh (Code of Noahide Law - Biblical language translation) is finally published due to the efforts of Dr. Michael Schulman, the Director of Ask Noah International - a leading organization for Torah-true, world-wide Noahide outreach. Ask Noah International is endorsed by personally Chief rabbi of Russia Mr. Berl Lazar and other highly respected orthodox rabbis all over the world. Shulhan Aruh for the Noahide Commandments is the first Rabbinically approved and comprehensive Halahic (Torah-law) codification of the Noahide precepts.

Here is the link to the first volume of this Shulhan Aruh edition, which has been published first in Hebrew (title "Sefer Sheva Mitzvot ha-Shem") language.

We invite all rabbis who are working about Bnei Noah issues around the world to use the book as their reference guide for how Noahides should properly observe their Noahide Commandments, as their part of the Torah. Some rabbis in Russia have already been contacted by Dr. Schulman about this. We also highly recommend the book to all Official Bnei Noah Site users who seek after better and more precise observing of Seven Bnei Noah Laws.

Please click the following link to read more about Dr. Schulman's project.

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